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There is a well-equipped

hospital along with two

dispensaries in the estate. Health

camps on family planning; hygiene;

sanitation; preventive measures against malaria, diarrhoea

and other illnesses; ill effects of alcohol and tobacco

products; are held on a regular basis for the benefit of the

workers. A number of welfare schemes too have been

undertaken by the resident doctor and his able team from

time to time.The MRIL Vision Project has greatly helped

the people here, with a large number of cataract cases

being operated on. Routine health check-ups for the staff

and workers are conducted thrice a year. The medical

team, along with the Mothers’ Club members, has played

an important role in reaching out to the workers on health

issues, thereby promoting a

healthy atmosphere. A

unique garbage disposal

scheme is being propagated

in the Lines – each family

puts its garbage in a

disposable bag hung on a

fence post to be collected

on a daily basis.

In 1965, Sri Nobin Kond, a retired and dedicated worker,

received the certificate of ‘President’s Scout’ from the then

President of India, Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. In

recent times,Ms Sushmita Borah, daughter of Sri

D.P. Borah, Head Clerk, has participated in the

sport of badminton

at the State and

National levels, earning numerous accolades.The popular

Nagadhoolie Jhumur Dance Group too, has won several

awards in competitions in the area.

The majority of the workers in this estate are Hindus with

a lesser populace of Christians. There is a beautiful Shiv

temple where Shiv Ratri is celebrated on a large scale each

year.There is also a Shankari Naamghar , where religious

rituals are performed regularly. These occasions are well

attended by the executives, staff and workers along with

their families. There are three churches, one in each

Division, for the benefit of the Christian community.

The Mariani Planters’Club overlooking the Bhogdoi River,

is located in Hunwal T.E. Established in the year 1880, it

was initially housed in the Mariani railway colony. It was

only in 1959 that the club was relocated to its present site,

under the aegis of Mr A.T.A.McIntosh Smith. Having all

amenities, such as tennis courts, a squash court, swimming

pool, table tennis board and an old, well maintained





membership of executives

from thirteen estates. The

bar has an old world

charm with its wooden

floor and panelling. In the

olden days, the club was the

only place where the planters

would get together to enjoy their sports and a tipple after

a hard day’s work, as well as escape from loneliness.

‘The Machaan’ is an ideal retreat for

the executives of the garden, their

families and friends. This two storeyed

bamboo structure standing on stilts, is

picturesquely located between two large ponds stocked

with several varieties of carp and local fish, and

surrounded by beautiful lofty trees. Initiated in 2008 by

Mr R.K. Baruah, the Manager then, it was later completed

by Mr S. Batra during his tenure. Lazy Sundays, especially

in winter, with a catch of fresh fish, has been the preferred

activity for all who have been posted there.

The Burra Bungalow was built in 1928, with a brass

plaque on the verandah wall testifying to it. Close by

stands an enormous rain tree with a huge canopy - a

stunning feature, adding to the overall beauty of the place.

This old structure was built keeping the hot and humid

climate of Assam in mind.

Over the years Hunwal has had many

important visitors such as: the

Governor of Assam – His Excellency

Sri Prakash Mehrotra on 8 August

1983; Mr D.M. Jayaratne – Honourable Minister of

Plantations, Sri Lanka, along with his wife and other

dignitaries in 2007; Honourable Union Minister of State,

Commerce & Industry – Sri Jyotiraditya Madhavrao

Scindia in September 2009.

Hunwal T.E. has been the proud recipient of the

Company’s Overall Performance Award in the years 2008

– 2009 and 2013 – 2014.With such dedication and pride

of the entire work force towards the garden, may that rich

cup of tea always delight the senses.

40 January 2016

January 2016 41

The Team

Standing (L to R): K.S. Ranawat,

R. Dutt, D. J. Baruah & S. Das

Seated (L to R): A Negi, A. Wats,

(Superintendent), Dr S. C. Gogoi &

S.Bhadury (DM Systems)

Garbage Disposal Scheme

Sri Nobin Kond with Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan

Sushmita Borah


The Machaan

Burra Bungalow

The Mariani Planters’ Club