Sakina Hussain was an Assistant Editor with The WM Times
from its inception till her husband was posted with PhuBen in
Vietnam. She continues the association with her regular
contributions to Phu Ben Communique.
n 8 March 1995, an industrious group of people got together to
form the relatively small PhuBen Joint Venture company in the
sleepy hamlet of Thanh Ba Village in north Vietnam. This year
the Company celebrated its 20th anniversary. Someone once said,
“Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon
results.”This is so true of PhuBen, whose name literally means ‘riches
forever’. From a modest start of one factory and a plantation, today the
Company under the McLeod Russel banner, with seven factories and
three plantations, is the biggest producer and exporter of tea in Vietnam.
Thanh Ba too has grown with PhuBen and is a bustling town now!
July 2016 11
– Sakina Hussain
Phu Ben, Vietnam