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I am told that B.M Khaitan has steered the Magor

group of companies for nearly half a century and to

commemorate this extremely important milestone a

special edition of The WM Times is being published.

Mr Khaitan has led the Group through the latter half

of the last century which was full of tumultuous events.

One Super Power that dominated the world collapsed

in exhaustion, Science took giant strides,

Communications improved beyond imagination. This

did make life easier but brought its own set of

problems. Issues not related directly to our own

Country had to be taken cognizance of, such as, the

Global Economic turmoil that just refuses to go away.

Through all this ‘chaos’ the MAN at the helm has stood

firm and provided the stability to survive and grow.

My interaction with BMK is probably around three

decades old, and, in my view much of his success may

be attributed to his keen adherence to equity and

fairness, and his ability to get the best out of people. It

is without hesitation that I admit that at the end of

every interaction with BMK I felt professionally and

personally valued.

Om Kaul

Chairman (Retired)

Carritt Moran & Company

I feel privileged and deem it a great honour to have been asked

to pen down a few words on my association of over 45 years

with Mr B.M. Khaitan, Chairman of the Williamson Magor

Group of Companies.

My first meeting with BMK was in early 1966 when he engaged

me to serve as an Assistant Manager at Majulighur Tea Estate.

During this period of nearly five decades this suave and

charismatic gentleman has left a distinct mark on the industrial

map of not only Assam and West Bengal but the entire


Having started from the 1960s he has been instrumental in the

establishment of the largest tea producing Empire in the world.

BMK possesses a high verbal ability, a keen power of

observation and an exceptionally great level of creativity.

Besides this, he has a heart of gold and has been extremely

generous and caring towards his staff and their families. The

state of Assam and, for that matter, the entire North East, will

always be grateful for the most precious gifts that BMK

graciously presented to them i.e. the Assam Valley School at

Balipara and the Balaji Temple at Guwahati, built on the lines

of the famous temple at Tirupati in South India.

His farsightedness and courage, despite several odds, has

been instrumental in guiding the Williamson Magor Group

towards stability and its present position of strength and

prosperity. A family man, he has imbibed in his children the

core values that he believes in. The business community and all

well wishers of the Group are assured that the future of the

Company is in competent, safe hands.

We wish him and his family good health and continued success.

G.S. Sodhi

Visiting Agent (Retired)

It is a privilege to pen a few words regarding my association

with Mr Khaitan. I have known him for over four decades as a

well wisher, guide and a friend. He is one of the most

courteous, kind and generous human beings, willing to

extend help whenever required.

I remember the early days when as a member of the CTTA

sports committee we had to approach him because we were

short of airfare/ accommodation. His response was, “Send

the bill to us”. Later, when as Brokers we faced problems

because one of the large Buyers had delayed prompt, we

used to land up in his office on a Tuesday morning and his

reply, which came as a great relief, was short and sweet, “You

may delay our prompt”.

In the last few years I have been privileged to play golf with

him over the week-end. Despite his age he out drives us on

most of the holes, leaving us awe-struck. He is a fine

sportsman who has kept two institutions alive in Kolkata, the

Royal Calcutta Golf Club and the Royal Calcutta Turf Club.

Briju or B.M. he is well known amongst his friends and

admirers, is a man of perfect manners, fond of good food

and wines, and is aptly referred to with reverence as a

‘Perfect English Gentleman’. May God give him a long,

healthy and happy life and many more years on his favourite

Royal Golf Course.

Harish Parekh

Chairman (Retired)

J.Thomas & Company Limited

The quality of leadership, more than any other single factor,

determines the success or failure of an organization and there is no

truer example of this than MR B.M. KHAITAN.

Mr Khaitan’s entrepreneurial verve made WM achieve many milestones

in a short span of time. A businessman of rare vision and high values,

he carved a place for himself in India’s business, commercial and

community life. His personal qualities, especially his immense humility,

made him reach out to all, through the spectrum of the organization,

which had an electrifying effect on morale, motivating them to achieve

even greater heights.

Planters always welcomed Mr Khaitan’s visits to the Estates.

He was well versed with the SWOT of each Estate, yet he chose not

to make his visits “inspectional” but to encourage the managerial staff

and provide a tonic for employees’ morale.

I vividly remember my initial meeting with Mr Khaitan. It was on his first

official visit to the Estates. A cocktail party was hosted at

Pertabghur T.E., but in a significant departure from ‘dastoor’, even

Assistants were invited. At the party, four of us junior-most

Assistants were huddled in a corner, when Mr Khaitan joined us,

introduced himself, addressed us by our names and expressed how

proud he was that we had joined the Company.

Mr Khaitan always conveyed the impression that Planters gave so

much to the Company and that their wellbeing was of prime

importance. As the Late Michael Rome would humorously comment,

whenever Mr Khaitan planned an Assam visit, he would first need to

check with ‘Accounts,’ that there was enough money in the Bank, as

Mr Khaitan would be at his magnanimous best in Assam.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of

comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge

and controversy. When dark clouds descended on the Industry and

there was dejection, we were confident in the knowledge that, ‘WHEN


He is truly the “King of the Tea industry”.

Bhushan Chhabra

Advisor (Retired)